2023 Giving Update

News From The Vucjak Shelter in Serbia

A quick update for all the wonderful supporters of the Vucjak Shelter in Serbia...

FIRST, as it's been a long while and we have many new supporters, a re-introduction to Bones and Me might be in order. We began in 2019 as an online retail store supporting multiple shelters and rescues around the world - Vucjak Shelter being one of them. A little over two years ago, when the shelter's GoFundMe and Patreon accounts were closed following a corrupt government attempt to take over their funding, we stepped in to provide a secure way for the shelter to raise funds. Our "retail site" was never meant for this purpose but we made some adjustments and got it to work.

SECOND, a state of funding: As of the end of 2023, the monthly subscribers and subscriptions totaled 2392 and US$26,100 respectively. With more than 1500 dogs, the shelter needed US$57,000 monthly just for food. So that means that only 45% of the shelter's food requirements were being met through monthly pledges. The shelter continues to rely heavily on one-time donations to supplement the monthly pledges.

For complete transparency and in order to give you better visibility, we are now providing you with an annual Giving Report as well as quarterly updates (to begin shortly) of all funding through our platform. Obviously this does not include donations or payments made directly to the Shelter's PayPal account or other means -- only payments made through Bones and Me forwarded to the shelter.

In 2023, your payments and pledges of US$440,301 have been sent to Vucjak Shelter. View or download the 2023 Vucjak Giving Summary here.

THIRD, beyond feeding the shelter residents (dogs, cats and a few other species), there are many positive activities that have been taking place at the shelter including new fencing for the expanded area, new winter shelters, new water well, vaccinations and vet checks for all new intakes, and a renewed focus on adoptions, albeit still very meager - all of which obviously cost money - and we must not forget all the urgent care requirements that add to the vet bills. But Dejan and his on-the-ground team continue to amaze and make miracles happen.


This poor little soul was dumped at the shelter gate on April 22. Dazed and confused, of course Dejan took him in.


This sweet Stafford puppy was brought to the shelter on April 21 by its owner because his legs are deformed. Dejan immediately took him to the vet for an evaluation.


This German Shepard was picked up by Dejan on the side of the road on the evening of April 16.


This little scared puppy was left in a box at the shelter gate on April 15. Tatjana grabbed him.


These are just a few examples of what the shelter faces on a daily basis. Like we said above the shelter is relying heavily on your generous one-time donations. If you wish to support Dejan and the Vucjak Shelter, click HERE. For a quick payment through Venmo, scan this QR code.